They casted Taylor's legs today so that her tendons would start to stretch. She opted for pink and purple. We continue to think of new ways to torture the poor girl.
(Kristin provided this additional information re: the casts: "There might be two reasons why her tendons have "shortened." One is the Vincristine, a chemo that causes nerve damage, and as a result causes a "drop foot." Taylor had that for a while. Her ankles were weak and when she walked she would stomp instead of rotating the ankle. The most likely cause of the tendon issue, though, is lying in bed for a long time. Most people point their toes when they lie in bed. When the toe is pointed, the tendon in the back of the leg gets smaller. After many months like that, it stops stretching to its full length so it gets tight. That is why Taylor needs the cast so that her ankle is held in place and the tendon stretches to its full length in the back. ")
The pink and blue casts look good. We are thinking of all of you. The Weiricks
Keith -- I don't know if you'd remember, but I was a "toe walker" as a kid (probably still am). Don't tell Taylor, but the one advantage it gives you is that if you don't walk flat-footed, you can sneak down stairs quietly without anyone hearing you on X-mas morning. We're all pulling for you out here and appreciate your posts.
I hate to say it, I mean, I realize Taylor probably prefers a head of hair, a bit more meat on her bones, not having to wear two casts (albeit nicely colored ones), and to be lying anywhere other than a wirey hospital bed, but I think she makes that picture look cute. . . . Anyways, I'm feeling and hoping and praying that Taylor is on her way to healthy days. And yeah to me, cancer is like disease and like death, with us and probably even in us all the time, but so is life and its joys and they are pretty strong too as Taylor's pic suggests to me. . . . Hope to see you all soon.
Taylor was in the hearts and on the minds of the entire first grade class at Mayfield Junior School today as they held a special walkathon to raise money for Childrens' Hospital in honor of Taylor. I hope their spirit of hopefulness and kind deeds lets Taylor know she is loved and supported by her school. The children and all our families pray for her recovery.
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